Ok, so here are my round potholders!
I found some fabric that had what looked like big pinwheels of colors and thought it would look great for the potholders. Made a few large flowers with this fabric then made some smaller ones with the leftover from cutting out the larger flowers. Really like the way the potholders came out but disappointed that I wasted a lot of fabric to get the pieces I wanted for the flowers.
Decided not to waste any more of that precious fabric so I looked thru my stash and found a bunch of pre-fused pieces that were big enough to make circles. So I made two different size circles in dies I happened to have. I think they were 5" and 3" circles.
When I laid them on the larger black circle I couldn't believe it. They looked just like the old 45 single play records I used to collect when I was a kid. It brought be back to the days when I used to go to the local music store and there would be an entire wall with all the top 50 songs for that week all lined up on the wall in order of popularity. I got $1.00 allowance and could afford to buy one every week. At $0.79 each I had money left over!
Funny how things work out. I spent a lot of time planning and making all the flower potholders and gave little thought to the ones that are now my favorite! I liked them so much I was thinking of embroidering on the "label" something like: oldies but goodies....but had already sewn them together. Maybe next time :)