The best laid plans often go awry as soon as you sit down to start working on them. I promised myself I would be dedicated and diligent in posting to blog at the very least once a week, though I really thought I would exceed that and manage to get 2-3 posts in each week. Boy was I wrong!
Here it is a month later and I am finally posting something so everyone does not think I packed it in or that my memory is failing and I forgot I even had a blog!
When I first retired I could not imagine what I would do with all that new found time I would now have on my hands. How would I fill my days? Well, that concern went out the window a long time ago. Now I wonder: How will I find enough time to get everything done that I have planned?
So back to what the heck have I been doing that I neglected my blog duties?
As an AccuQuilt Educator "on hold" I was lucky enough to be invited by AccuQuilt to participate in several of their FaceBook Live Launch Party Events. Did you see any of them? Have you ever watched one?
The October 13th Launch Party featured 4 new dies. The bowl cozy was my die. Made a bunch of really cool bowl cozy's, plus a pop up party centerpiece (BTW, my pattern is available on AccuQuilt's website), a crossbody shoulder bag, a hanging mobile, a quilted wall hanging, a small basket with handle, a lotus blossom on a lily pad, a place mat and a yard sign! So that took about a week of my time as I had to video segments and write the pattern for my challenge piece.
Just finished working on some ideas for the next AccuQuilt Launch Party that I will be doing in mid November. I have selected another DIY die. Can't tell you what it is, you will have to watch to find out!
While the AccuQuilt challenges have been taking up a huge chunk of my time I love doing it! Love connecting with the other challengers not to mention being able to be involved with AccuQuilt stuff! Love that company!
I did manage to sew together two of my tumbler quilt tops. The original tumbler shapes were cut out during my "SPA cutting day" video that was posted some time ago to my YouTube channel. Decided to make them crib size quilts from most of the tumblers and back them with Minky or a very soft fleece. Hoping to get them up on Etsy in time for Christmas. In case you are interested I ended up using 84 tumblers (7 rows of 12) per baby quilt and added a 4" finished border. Thinking of adding applique letters with "Baby's First Christmas" on the quilt...and maybe add a pillow and make it a set?
if anyone lives in the Wilmington DE area there are monthly AccuQuilt Club classes at SewWhat! on Kirkwood Hwy. I am in the process of planning next years Club classes so if you are interested please contact Bunni @ SewWhat!
About 2 years ago I found this website "Spoonflower", have you heard of them? They are a printing company that prints fabric, wallpaper and home decor items using artist submitted designs. It is a really cool site. You can select the fabric you want and then purchase yardage in over 10 different materials (cotton, silk, canvas etc), or print wallpaper, or even have custom made pillows, bedspreads and many other items. I have created several quilts by having photographs printed on their cotton and then thread painting. Finally took the time to edit and design a series of photographs I took and created a collection called "daisies". I sized some of the flowers extra large so that one 36" flower would print on a yard of fabric. Really like some of those flower panels the quilt industry is selling for thread painting so I decided to try my hand at making my own. I created two versions one that looks like a "line drawing" and the other a "mosaic". I am now working on sewing some of them out. Stay tuned!!!!
BTW, the panels I designed are available for sale directly from Spoonflower.
Last but not least, I voted this month. Rather than mailing it in we dropped them off at the main drop off location in Wilmington, DE. Never did I ever think I would not be voting in person on election day. What a difference from the last time!
Forgive my tardiness in being gone so long...will try to do better!
Here are images of some of the projects that kept me from you for sooooo long!