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  • Writer's pictureMary Anne Fontana

Gearing up for a busy first quarter!

I hope these first few weeks in the new year is finding you and your family safe and secure. I have been, as most of us have, been staying in and trying to avoid crowded public places. In doing so I have been working on projects and quilting my little heart out.

A big surprise came my way recently. For the first time ever I have been asked to be the lead artist at The Gibby, our local art gallery in Middletown, Delaware. The exhibit called: Fiber Arts, To Stitch or not to Stitch. It will run from March 4-27th. If you live in the area would love to meet you. I found this particularly rewarding as I have been told by other "galleries" for whom I have applied for entrance that "quilting is not fine art". The first time I was pretty insulted, especially since one of the members of the board at that gallery invited me to apply.

Interestingly enough photography is consider a "fine art". So anyone with a point and shoot camera can be a fine artist but someone who quilts and spends an enormous amounts of time designing, selecting fabric, piecing, quilting and pouring their heart into their work is not considered a fine artist, but rather, just a mere "Crafter"....

Don't get me wrong I consider myself a photographer as well but compared to quilting I think general photography requires a lot less skill. I have been able to take quite a few good shots that are easily salable, not so with quilts. There are some amazing photographers (just look at National Geographic), but for the most part I think quilting takes a lot more inspiration and insight to create a masterpiece.

For those of you located within the local area in and around Delaware consider joining me as I teach a monthly AccuQuilt Club class at SewWhat! located in Wilmington, DE. While I am in the shop and teach the entire class from there, all students will work from home and join the class via Zoom. If you are interested you can register directly at the shop.

This week I am making Bowl Cozy's for the March Show. Finished about 25....more to go! Also planning to make a bunch of small items as not everyone will walk in and buy a wall hanging or quilt!

Lastly, I have attached the entire 2021 gallery schedule at The Gibby. There is an excellent tribute to Black art in February as well as many other timely exhibits through the course of the year.

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