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  • Writer's pictureMary Anne Fontana

Busy getting ready....

It seems that the invitation to exhibit my quilts at The Gibby, our local art gallery has energized me to finish many of my works in progress. It has also created a frenzy for me to make lots of smaller, less expensive items as I fear not everyone is prepared to spend $$$ to buy a quilt.

Since I made the bracelets about 10 days ago I have been a very busy girl! So far I have made:

Eye glass cases in 3 variations: a basic, a quilted and a decorative version.

Round potholders. And don't ask me what possessed me to make round ones other than the fact that I have a large round cutting die that was perfect for a potholder size. I was so happy with the designs until I got ready to sew binding on then remembered I had to make BIAS binding so it would snug around the curves....darn! And here I was doing so well. I did make bias using my 2-1/2" strip cutter and a tip a fellow AccuQuilter shared, and thanks to her I and had what I needed fairly quickly. Will post the tip later.

Japanese style Market Tote bags...ended up designing my own pattern and making it in two sizes.

Origami tote bags. Tried a couple of different sizes but ended up with my original version. Sometime it pays to experiment with several sizes as one was really much nicer looking that the others. Got them all cut out. Still have to assemble them.

I finished several quilts..yeah! Once was especially satisfying to finish as I had been fighting with it for quilt a while now. I actually had it about 20% quilted on my long arm and hated it so I took it off and spent about 4 evenings ripping it out! Had to use new batting and backing but I am very happy to see it finished. I call it SnailsStorm as it is a combination of the 8" Finished Snails Trail and the sashing from the Storm at Sea. Really like the way it came out. Really glad I took the time to rip it out!

Oh, I almost forgot! I finished my "Daisy" series. It is a collection of 9 different quilts. All approximately 36" X 36" with one large daisy in the middle. Two are done as "mosaics" and the rest were made to look line a line drawing of a daisy. I took all the photographs of the flowers myself then played with the images on Photoshop. Of the 7 line drawings I couched two of them with cording and the remaining 5 were heavily quilted. Images will be posted a bit later :)

I have attached pictures of the eyeglass cases and the Snails Storm quilt. Have to take pictures of everything else! Will take them as soon as I can and share :)

Stay tuned....

Happy Quilting :)

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